Everyone must recognize the type of medicine before or when using the medicine. The introduction of this medicine can be done by knowing the classification of the type of medicine. Currently, the classification or classification of medicine can be done based on 5 things, namely:
- Name
- Preparation Form
- Pharmacological Effect, (Classification of medicine based on pharmacological effects will not be explained in this section. Please continue to monitor the next post for get the information.)
- How to use
- Tagging
A Short Guide to Good and Correct Classification, Management, and Use of medicine
Classification By Name
medicine can be classified based on the name that has been given on the packaging that has obtained a distribution permit from the authorized agency. As in Indonesia, the Food and medicine Supervisory Agency (BPOM) is the agency authorized to issue medicine distribution permits and in America the name is FDA. You can check whether a medicine name has been registered by searching through this link.
You will enter the FDA search site view as below.

Select “Brand” When You Do a Search Based on the Brand of medicine you want to Make Sure is Registered.
Based on the name, medicine can be classified into 2, namely:
1. Patent Medicine
medicine that still have patent rights and can only be produced by manufacturers holding patent rights, are circulated under the patent name (brand) of the manufacturer. If the patent period has expired, patent medicine can be produced by other manufacturers and are called generic medicine. Generic medicine can be named according to the nutritious substances they contain, known as "generic medicine with logos" (OGB) or trade names (brands), known as "branded generic medicine". Patent medicine are also known as innovator or originator medicine.
The following are examples of Some “Patented medicine” whose patents have expired in 2018:

2. Generic Medicine
Generic medicine are further divided into two, namely Generic medicine with Logos and Branded Generic medicine.
a. Generic Medicines with the Logo
A medicine with an official name specified in the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia (FI) for the nutritious substances it contains (active substance).
Example: paracetamol, amoxicillin, miconazole. Generic medicine with logos are more affordable, with the same quality and efficacy as branded generic medicine or innovators with the same content and dosage. The similarity in the quality of generic and branded medicine is proven by studies of bioavailability and bioequivalence (BA/BE).
b. Branded Generic medicine
Generic medicine that use the trade name of the medicine manufacturer. These branded generic medicine are often mistakenly referred to as patent medicine, but they are not. Example*: Panamol (active substance paracetamol), Amoxsin (active substance amoxicillin), Daktaren (active substance miconazole). *Brand name is fictitious.
Medicine Based on Dosage Form
medicine have various dosage forms according to the intended use and the organ in which the medicine is used. Each medicine dosage form will require certain additives that will help the medicine to reach the bloodstream. This is done in order to provide the effect of treatment as needed.
Based on the consistency of the constituent substances, medicine preparations can be classified into:
- Solid Forms, Examples: tablets, capsules, powders, pills, suppositories, ovules.
- Semi-solid form, Example: ointment, cream, gel/jelly.
- Liquid form, Example: syrup, suspension, elixir, infusion, injection, drops, emulsion.
- Gas form, Example: inhalation, aerosol, turbuhaler.
Medicine Based on How to Use.
Based on the channel or organ through which the medicine passes, it can be classified into:
Internal Medicine
Namely medicine that are used by swallowing that is through the mouth or gastrointestinal tract. Examples: tablets, capsules, syrup, oral drops.
External Medicine
medicine that are used by not being swallowed or applied to the outside of the body. Examples: skin ointments, eye ointments, injections, suppositories, ovules, eye drops, ear drops.
Avoid using internal medicine for external use, or conversely, external medicine should not be swallowed (through the gastrointestinal tract). This is because both internal and external medicines are produced by factories using additional substances that are adapted to the organs of the body that the medicine will pass through.
Medicine Based Marking.
Based on the level of safety and the method of obtaining it, medicine are distinguished by a certain colored logo on the packaging, namely:
Free medicine
Medicines that can be purchased without a prescription from a doctor. The medicine package is marked with a green circle with a black border. Example: paracetamol, salicylic powder
Over-the-counter MedicinesLimited
Limited over-the-counter medicine are actually hard medicine, but they can still be purchased over-the-counter without a doctor's prescription. However, their use must pay attention to the warnings on the packaging. The medicine packaging is marked with a blue circle with a black border and a black box containing a warning.
Examples: dimenhydrinate (antihistamine / anti-allergic medicine), pyrantel pamoate (deworming medicine), tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride (eye drops).
Potent medicine
medicine that can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. The packaging is marked with a red circle with a black border and the letter K in the middle that touches the border. Example: all classes of antibiotics, hypertension medicine, heart medicine, diabetes medicine.
Psychotropic medicine
Strong medicine that affect the central nervous system, can cause mental and behavioral changes, and can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. The use of psychotropic medicine is closely monitored and reported regularly to the Ministry of Health in accordance with the provisions and regulations of the applicable laws regarding Psychotropics. The packaging is marked with a red circle with a black border and the letter K in the middle that touches the border.
Narcotics medicine
medicine that can cause decreased or altered consciousness and cause dependence that can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. The use of narcotic medicine is closely monitored and reported regularly to the Ministry of Health in accordance with the provisions and regulations of the applicable laws regarding Narcotics. The packaging is marked with a red cross in a circle with a red border.
Reference : http://www.safemedication.com/safemed/MedicationTipsTools/HowtoAdminister.html
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