5 Ways to Maintain Family Health


As the saying goes, family is a priceless treasure. Therefore, how to maintain good and correct family health needs to be known by every family member. Thus, the family will be protected from the threat of various types of diseases.

Maintaining family health is not as easy as imagined. Differences in age, daily activities, gender, and even the health conditions of each family member can be a challenge in itself in maintaining optimal family health.

When health is neglected, the risk of various diseases, ranging from flu, diarrhea, COVID-19, even to long-term diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, can lurk you and your beloved family members.

How to Maintain Family Health

In order to maintain good health together, there are several ways that you and your family members can apply in your daily life, including:

5 Ways to Maintain Family Health by dutyfile

1. Exercise regularly

Ideally, everyone should exercise for 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes a week. But sometimes, setting aside time to exercise every day is difficult. Especially if each family member has a different daily routine and free time.

If your family is experiencing this, you can try to schedule regular exercise on the weekends. After that, choose a type of exercise that is easy to do together, such as jogging, cycling, or walking.

Not only maintaining physical fitness, the exercise that you and your family do can be a means to strengthen and maintain a harmonious and warm relationship.

2. Get enough rest time

Adequate sleep provides a myriad of good benefits for health, from refreshing the mind and body to return to activities, improving memory, to maintaining heart health.

Conversely, lack of sleep due to staying up late can increase the risk of various health problems, ranging from weight gain, memory loss, to long-term diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Therefore, in order to avoid the risk of these health problems, each family member needs to meet their respective needs for sleep or rest, which is 7–9 hours for adults and 10–13 hours for children.

3. Keep your body clean

Maintaining good body hygiene is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from attacks of various diseases, such as diarrhea, scabies, trachoma, and even COVID-19.

Some things that can be done to maintain body hygiene are bathing and shampooing regularly, brushing teeth 2 times a day, trimming nails, changing clothes after outdoor activities, and washing hands properly, especially before eating and after using the toilet.

You should invite your child to do these activities from an early age so that he will get used to it later. Also emphasize to him that the benefits of keeping your body clean are not only felt by yourself, but also those you love.

4. Keep the surrounding environment clean

The surrounding environment, especially the house, which is rarely cleaned can become a breeding ground for germs and pests, such as cockroaches and rats. This can make you and your family more susceptible to disease.

To prevent this from happening, take a few minutes each day to clean the house, such as wiping furniture and furniture, sweeping and mopping floors, and cleaning the kitchen area.

In addition, throw away equipment or objects that are not needed and have the potential to become a place for dust and germs to accumulate. If necessary, also use a humidifier or air conditioner to prevent mold from multiplying.

5. Consumption of healthy nutritious food

Several studies have shown that people who cook their own food can get a better nutritional intake than people who often buy fast food.

This is because when you cook your own food at home, you can determine the ingredients, the type of nutrition, and how to cook it according to the needs of each family member.

However, that does not mean you and your family should not eat fast food at all. It's just that you need to pay attention to the nutritional content in ready-to-eat foods or packaged foods to be eaten.

For example, if you and your family want to eat instant noodles, try choosing instant noodle products that do not use artificial coloring and are made from natural ingredients, such as broccoli, and do not use flavor enhancers.

In addition, you can also choose instant noodle products that have the “healthier choice” logo on the packaging. This logo was issued by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) with the aim that consumers can be wiser in buying healthier packaged food and drinks.

Those are some things you can do to keep your family healthy. Although it seems easy, it requires a high commitment to carry out various ways to maintain the health of the family consistently in daily life in order to get the benefits in the long term.

However, if you or a family member experience certain complaints, such as fever, stomach pain, dizziness, or other health problems, despite implementing the various ways to maintain family health above, don't hesitate to check with your doctor to get the appropriate treatment.

REFERENCE and translated from : https://www.alodokter.com/5-cara-menjaga-kesehatan-keluarga

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