Without realizing it, there are some daily habits that can actually cause brain damage. Beware, so that your brain health is not threatened.

The brain is a very complex organ and functions in regulating all processes in the body. Unfortunately, brain health is often threatened without realizing it due to the habits you do everyday.
In fact, there are some daily habits that can unconsciously cause brain damage. Some of these habits may even seem trivial and trivial, but have a huge impact on your brain health.
Habits That Can Damage the Brain
The following are some habits that can cause damage to the brain:
1. No Breakfast.
Have you had breakfast regularly and regularly every day? If not, be careful. One of the health risks that can occur due to not having breakfast is brain damage.
In fact, skipping breakfast makes the body use up spare energy and has to put in extra effort to maintain its proper function. This causes a lack of energy, decreased concentration, poor mood, and impaired physical and intellectual performance.
2. Smoke.
Smoking habits have been shown to trigger neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's. These bad habits can also interfere with DNA reproduction, which in turn can increase the risk of cancer cells forming.
Stop there, smoking can reduce the supply of oxygen to the brain. This can make the brain 'difficult to breathe', causing impaired function.
3. Lack of sleep.
In order to work optimally, the brain needs about 8 hours of rest. With enough rest, the damaged cells in the brain can be renewed. In addition, getting enough sleep will also optimize the metabolic process so that the body's energy will always be fulfilled.
In contrast, sleep time of less than 8 hours a day is associated with accelerated death of important brain cells. This can make you tired quickly, even if you only have a little activity.
4. Eating Too Much.
Eating a lot of food that is not needed by the body can lead to the accumulation of residual substances in the form of fat and hardening of the cerebral arteries.
The cerebral arteries are branches of the left and right carotid arteries, which are responsible for providing blood to the frontal part of the brain. The frontal part of the brain itself is responsible for controlling behavior and thoughts.
5. Alcohol Consumption.
Alcoholic drinks can damage important organs in the body, especially the nervous system, liver and heart. In addition, alcohol can also affect the chemical reactions that occur in the brain.
Frequent consumption of alcohol also results in 'killing' neurons and reducing the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. Over time, the brain is at high risk of damage.
6. Work when Sick.
Forcing your brain to keep working when your body is sick can prolong the healing process. At the same time, the immune system can be so reduced that you are at risk for developing co-morbidities.
7. Covering Your Head While Sleeping.
Sleeping with your head closed can increase the concentration of carbon dioxide and reduce the amount of oxygen in the brain. This habit can certainly cause brain damage, especially if done repeatedly and for a long time.
8. Eating Too Much Sugar.
Excessive sugar intake can cause disorders in the brain and central nervous system. Excessive blood sugar levels can also increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease, you know!
9. Lack of Social Interaction.
Well-maintained social interactions can reduce feelings of loneliness and even anxiety. Thus, brain function will also be maintained more optimally.
Conversely, if you lack social interaction, you may feel lonely, anxious, and even depressed. Things like this can increase the risk of brain damage.
10. Watching Pornographic Content.
Watching pornographic content regularly can damage five parts of the brain, especially the prefrontal. This condition will have an impact on the decline in academic scores and logic disorders.
In addition, damage to the prefrontal part of the brain from watching too much porn can also make it easier for you to feel depressed. This brain damage is even worse than drugs
Those are some daily habits that can unwittingly threaten the health of your brain. From now on, start fixing yourself and avoid doing these habits, yes!
If you want to know more about how to maintain a healthy brain, don't hesitate to ask the doctor through the 24-hour Live Chat on the KlikDokter application. Free of charge!
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