As a young generation, concern and sensitivity to Indonesian culture need to be instilled from an early age. Indonesia's cultural preservation in the future is quite a challenge. The culture that has taken root in Indonesia will gradually fade if it is not balanced with an understanding and awareness of love for the homeland. Therefore, our efforts and creativity are needed to improve these conditions for the better. Knowledge and understanding of culture, the environment and the repertoire of Indonesian handicrafts need to be studied more deeply so that they are not eroded due to the progress of the times
Crafts are part of applied art which is defined as a production process that involves manual skills in making life necessities that are designed for functional purposes (usability) and have aesthetic value. Craft products made of course have a purpose. In addition to decorative and practical uses, handicraft products are made for various purposes.

Below are described the various purposes of craft products
- As a decoration, a craft that is made solely as a decoration on an object or as a display for a room and has no particular meaning.
- As used objects, crafts made based on the purpose to be used as daily necessities
- As a ritual necessity, crafts that contain certain symbols and function as magical objects are related to belief and spirituality
- As a symbolic need, traditional crafts other than as decoration also function to symbolize certain things related to spiritual values.
- As a constructive necessity, crafts other than as decoration also function as a support for a building
In addition, handicrafts that are intended as decorative functions and use functions both have economic value, where the craft itself can add to the selling value of a product. Below is a description of craft products that distinguish between use-function crafts and decorative-function crafts
The principles of decorative function crafts include the following:
The uniqueness of decorative function craft materials
Indonesia's natural resources that can be used as basic materials for handicrafts are very abundant. Each surface of the earth has the characteristics of natural resources that are different from one another. Such as the sea, natural resources produced by rocks, shells, fish scales, fish bones, marine plants, and so on. Mainland Indonesia has natural resources including wood, metal, rocks, clay, plants (fiber), and much more.
The basic materials that can be used as crafts have been studied in the previous class, which can be made from natural materials, artificial materials, organic waste materials, and inorganic waste materials. All materials can be obtained from nature or processed yourself, even to utilize waste materials in the surrounding environment. A craftsman only needs perseverance to be able to create a craft product that can be enjoyed by many people and is worth selling. The ingredients in question can be described as follows.
Natural material
Natural material is something that exists in the universe. Natural materials are God's creations scattered on earth, good on land, underground, or under the sea. Natural materials that can be used for handicraft products include: clay, fiber, stone, wood, bamboo, rattan, leather, metal, stone
The uniqueness of these natural materials is that clay has a smooth and elastic texture. Banana stem fiber has a coarse texture and a graded brown color. Wood is hard and has color. Bamboo and rattan have flexible and strong properties. The skin has an attractive animal skin surface texture by displaying its natural colors. Gold, silver or bronze metal has the impression of luxury and strength. Stones have a variety of soothing colors. Pay attention to other natural ingredients! What is unique about these natural materials?
Artificial material
Artificial material is something that is processed by humans using chemicals and their alloys, not original from nature, to get the effect of duplicating natural materials. Artificial materials that can be produced for handicraft products include wax, plaster, fiber glass, soap
The uniqueness of these artificial materials is that the wax has a soft texture. Casts are easy to texture when created as a work, both coarse and fine textured. ) Fiverglass is strong. Soap has fragrance properties and is soft. Are there any other known artificial ingredients?
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